Day #16 – Periscope. It’s live Stream Twitter! Check it Out!
I'm freaking out strangers and met a supermodel! Periscoping at Studio City, LA hip Aroma Cafe. Find me at DeniceDuff. #40daysleft2my40s
I'm freaking out strangers and met a supermodel! Periscoping at Studio City, LA hip Aroma Cafe. Find me at DeniceDuff. #40daysleft2my40s
Looking for a life lesson while at the Eddie Izzard Concert at the Hollywood Bowl brought and unexpected surprise run in with my very first Hollywood Talent Agent and now casting director Jeff Hardwick.... #40daysleft2my40s
A trip to the Screen Actors Guild brought about a nostalgic encounter with a young actress on her way up in Hollywood.... #40daysleft2my40s
After 18 yrs of photographing actors, I've come to the conclusion that stage mom's have an important place in the entertainment industry...not unlike a soccer mom or football dad... Click on the image below to read