I’m addicted to using fabric to wrap gifts especially odd shaped objects that I just don’t have a box for. I’ll buy fabric when I see it on sale for about a buck a yard and I also make use of sheets . I save and reuse every ribbon ever given to me. When I find wired ribbon on sale, whether at Michaels art supply or the 99cent store, I snatch it up! You’ll see in the video how magical the wired ribbon is when wrapping a gift in fabric. But you can also use twine or rafia.
I wrapped a make-up kit in brown paper bags and then cut out a few fashion pictures from a magazine I had and glue sticked them to the outside. I even used a measuring tape as the “ribbon” and a garment label as the name tag!
For a 1 year old boys birthday I bought a truck from the 99cent store and filled it with goodies.
For hostess gifts Ive bought mini heirloom tomatoes and put them in a recycled jar with a little burlap fabric over the lid with a ribbon. Save those pretty jars…they make great containers for gifts.
The simplest gifts get the most joyous reaction when they feast their eyes on your creation!
Just when I think that I am down and out. I pull up your blogs and you cause me to ruffle up my feathers once more and you inspire me to keep moving. Thank you for that!
Oh Eva!! That is music to my ears!! (Not that you were down and out 😉 ) But that my whimsical ramblings could make a difference! Helping others is truly the best part of ourselves and I am always inspired but your FB comments and posts! Have an incredible Holiday my friend!!!