7 days left to my #40daysleft2my40s
Why I decided I needed to exercise after I saw how europeans MOVE their body for survival purposes. I didn’t do it to get buff I did it because after my first class I felt a camaraderie with this group of young athletic men and women who inspired me to keep coming back. I loved the satisfaction of basically moving mountains everyday even when I knew I wasn’t able to do the exercise, some how I got through it…EVERY TIME. And each class I thought to myself “Oh I won’t be able to finish this work out today, too many reps, too much weight” but I completed every class. And the classes are short. So literally for 20 to 45 minutes I completely work my body and test it to limits I wasn’t even aware of then…Im done! Done for the day. Ive earned a slice of pizza…Ive earned sitting at my desk for hours on end and Ive earned the improved sleep and posture Ive now gained. Thank you Los Feliz Crossfit and Guy LaBrusciano!
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