over 40

Street Style -Chloe Pants

I'm broad shouldered and have been fortunate enough to maintain decent arms from lifting all my camera gear. I found this shirt at a flea market in Sicily. Again, those Italians and their passion for color, they do not go quietly into the night. Paired up with my Chloe pants, which are corduroy, and Fioni shoes, which match perfectly and a great gold [...]

Street Style -Pucci leggings

This is one of my favorite cafes in Studio City, it happens to be on the same street that I live. It's called Aroma Cafe and it's quite the hot spot in all of Los Angeles. Serious celeb sightings, daily. As you can see from my smiles, I saw several hollywood stars that afternoon. But I never sip and tell [...]

Day #3 BTS: My Fitness Photoshoot with Celebrity Photographer Ray Kachatorian

This was 6 days before my 50th bday but I posted it 3 days later. I bit the bullet and accepted the generous gift of a photo shoot by celebrity photographer Ray Kachatorian for my 50th birthday countdown. I've always felt doing something like this would come across at flaunting or boastful or ...whatever....certainly a reason to be "attacked" Because [...]

By |2017-03-11T19:44:38-05:00March 14th, 2016|#40DaysLeft2My40s, Healthy Body|0 Comments
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