When you are craving something sweet and warm and when you only feel you can afford the calories of an apple, then try whipping up this tasty satisfying recipe. This is hardcore, no frills and ya know what, its amazing!!
I searched Pinterest and the internet for a written out version of what I’ve been making all along without a formal recipe. I couldn’t find a baked apple recipe that was not full of sugar, butter and flours (or microwaves for that matter).
So here is MY version
Cut 2 apples into square chunks 95 Calories ea.
Put in baking dish
Lightly coat all of it in cinnamon.
1 tblsp cornstarch – 20 calories
¼ cup orange juice – 25 calories
¼ cup of water
1 tsp vanilla extract
a few shakes of nutmeg or all spice
1 dropper full of Stevia
Mix the liquids with the cornstarch then pour mixture over apples.
Bake in over for 30min covered with tin foil at 325
Now you can certainly crumble a little granola, or pecans, or cashews, or a bit of brown sugar BUT I have given you here the down and dirty lo-cal (almost NO-Cal) version.
Mangia Bene!
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