
Your Image Is What You Are Judged On First

I Will Help You Look & Feel Great So You Are Irresistable

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Newly Released on YouTube!

Where Denice interviews Artists,
Entrepreneurs, Hollywood
Celebrities, and the New Celebrity:
Coaches, Authors and
Game Changers.

Really Living Life was born out of my videos, Facebook posts and questions from friends on a daily basis about what I do to stay trim, enthused about life, my DIY décor tips, running multiple creative careers, and being still so in love with my damn husband.

I always believed when the purpose was truly noble, that no harm could come to my work schedule….But NOT doing something to help someone would always result in me feeling less about myself……so therein lies the “selfishness” of help.

So are you ready? Lets dive into this together!

Sign Up Today for Denice’s Really Living Life Newsletter and receive her “8-Tips to Mindful Eating” e-book FREE!


JOBY GorillaPod

An awesome tripod I use for almost all of my Live videos!

Coaching Success!

When I walk down stairs now I find I have a bounce in my step. It may seem insignificant, but things like that – and being able to easily tie my shoes are really big changes for me. Thank you Denice for your guidance. Excited for the future!

Click here to learn more about how to work with me.

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My love of Tea

I adore tea. I’ve never drank wine but tea is my closest relation to enjoying the variations and smells and subtle flavors of a drink. 

Tea became a daily drink in China around 300AD

The word “tea” was derived from ancient Chinese dialects. Such words as “Tchai,” “”Cha,” and “Tay” were used to describe […]

DIY: Chair Makeover

IMG_6842 So it was time to change up the Spanish style decor of my living room and dining room to a more eclectic Manhattan Chic. I went to the Goodwill and found these brown chairs for 10 dollars each. Then a friend found the two […]

Day #6 My Teenage Experience Backpacking through Europe

#40daysleft2my40s My quick reflection back to my backpacking days in Europe as a teenager with a Eurail pass. This was one of the most memorable experiences of my life and the moments I captured in my early days as a photographer continue to inspire me to live life fully and document it […]

Day #7 Why I started Crossfit at 48 years old.

7 days left to my #40daysleft2my40s

Why I decided I needed to exercise after I saw how europeans MOVE their body for survival purposes. I didn’t do it to get buff I did it because after my first class I felt a camaraderie with this group of young athletic men and women who […]

Day #8 Farrah Fawcett and The Generation Gap

I met Farrah Fawcett when I was 10yrs old. I STILL have her autograph from 40yrs ago and her beauty and graciousness profoundly influenced me. 15 yrs later the man who discovered her, “discovered” me….


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